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Industry Symposia
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123 résultats
Clinical and dosimetric predictors of primary hypothyroidism in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients following intensity-modulated radiotherapy
Early outcomes for a single-arm, single-stage phase I/II trial of Selective Avoidance of nodal VolumEs at minimal Risk (SAVER) in the contralateral neck of patients with p16-positive oropharynx cancer
Adjuvant radiation therapy for anaplastic thyroid cancer: single center experience of 12 patients with advanced and not completely resected disease: toxicity and treatment complications
Weekly vs 3-weekly cisplatin: a retrospective cohort study
Body image seen by patients with nasopharyngeal cancer
Gross Tumour Volume predicts survival in HPV related Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
The impact of tracheostomy on the course of radiotherapy.
Anterior frontal vertical partial laryngectomy: Oncological results and voice quality
Nasopharyngeal cancer chemotherapy – before or after curative chemoradiation?
Evaluating predictive factors for chemoradiotherapy related dysphagia in patients with head and neck cancer.
Role of reirradiation in the management of relapses local nasopharyngeal cancer
The role of PD-L1 and TILsCD8+ in oral cavity and pharyngeal cancers treated with definitive radiation
Re-irradiation in head and neck cancers: Real-world experience from a tertiary cancer institute
Landscape of esophageal cancer in Kenya: Experience from Garissa Regional Cancer Center
weight loss during chemoradiotherapy in patients with nasopharyngeal cancers
Tongue schwannoma: a clinicopathologic study of a case report with a systematic review
Cisplatin Head & Neck Chemoradiotherapy: A Real-World Survival & Compliance Analysis of Weekly vs 3-Weekly Regimes
External validation of a predictive model for severe malnutrition developed on a multicenter real-life cohort from UNITRAD
Impact of Anatomopathological Characteristics on Salivary Gland Carcinoma Prognosis Undergoing Radiotherapy
survival outcome of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in patients with metastatic tonsillar cancer(M1)
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